Project 1 / Apple Juice Maker

In today's age, our population has an increased obsession with our foods and drinks being healthy, fresh, and pure. Nonetheless, convenience is also a popular notion, which in turn has affected the design of nearly everything produced today. So instead of worrying about the juicing process of your storebought apple juice, why not have a convenient machine in your kitchen that can make fresh, pure apple juice instantly.


Project 2 /


Project 3 / Tom Sawyer

This video tackles my personal interpretation of Rush's hit song "Tom Sawyer." Everything from the drums to the vocals of the song influence the representation of the person they call "Tom Sawyer."


Project 4 / My Demise


Final Project / Tetris Master

In this video two of the most popular arcade games of all time are referenced and declares what truely makes you a "winner." Inspiration comes from my own personal love for videogames and the appreciation of its forerunners.