Project 1 / Welcome to the Photog Insider!

This project is for a photography blog, with a few different areas of content. The interactive UI components include a drop down nav bar, light box animation for the images, an accordion section for camera descriptions, tooltip bubbles to define words when the mouse hovers over them, and customized buttons to navigate to the previous or next article. I learned how to create horizontal rules and organize the sections of the page through the use of div containers.

Project 2 / Schizophrenic Letters!

Letters are instantly recognizable symbols (to the people who speak the language). Since primary education, letters take on meaning and sounds and enable a person to read and understand the written word. What if the letters get messed up a bit? Will they still make sense? This project plays with the perception of letterforms by bisecting randomly selected letters and pairing them with others. Here's a challenge: how do you say the sound of a letter that has the top of an A and the bottom of a Q? E and V? R and S? And so on. . .

Project 3 / Generative Animations

In this project, I created two styles of animations that are dynamically generated when one of the buttons at the bottom are pressed. The single bar button starts the animation at one randomly selected point. The lines bursts outward from that point and then the bursts collect in a new coordinate (collapsing back into itself). The button with multiple lines button starts a burst that scatters the lines and lets them land anywhere. The animation is purely artistic; letting the user experience the randomly generated flurries of line animation.

Final Project / Milo's Window

Milo's Window is an animated, interactive site for kids. Milo is introduced on page load, and the user discovers that clicking the ball of yarn leads Milo to the window. When the user hovers on the window shade a view out the window is revealed. What will Milo see next?