Project 1 / Color Me Bad.

My husband says that I have a bad attitude about programming. He says it is just like learning another language. Well, learning new languages is extremely hard for me. No really. I lived in Italy for over 8-months and though I gradually was able to converse in the language left to my own devices I would end up in telling a shop keeper "I would like to have dinner and a wheel barrel ride for $500 dollars. Your welcome." But I got it…with determination as I will attempt here as well. My attempt to understand the syntax led me to keep the "theme" simple. Trying to use the transitions in color to add a little personality to it. I tried to incorporate a more interactive color wheel but didn't find anything. Maybe that would be a good project. Since my mood changed, often, I thought I would try and tie it in to colors. But that even fell a bit to the waist side trying to get all the pieces together. Doing is different than understanding. I think I need to practice. I understand how but I don't understand why. For instances, examples I found used and elements. Why? Positioning, I understand the difference but when to use one versus the other is something I am still confused on. How do you make circles? How about the jquery? I get it, I get the syntax and meaning and I am even starting to remember some but why in CS4 (that's what I am in right now) does the JQuery extension not work? Oh, that was a doozie for me. Also, organization of the classes. I consider myself a pretty organized and tidy person but I feel like a kid after a tug-a-war fight in a mud pit. Sloppy, dirty with stuff in scary places. Can't wait for the next one! Yes sarcasm but truthfully, I am up for it.

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Project 2 / Craftopia

The concept of this typographic assignment is to introduce Craftopia. Craftopia is a place that celebrates the D.I.Y designer in all of us. Since Craftopia is a new service, the concept is playing off the creation of the name, which is a combination of Craft and Utopia. Now, ideally the interaction will come after the words are defined and the two words begin to play with each other to form the new word. As you can see, the design is not there nor is the code. My intention is to make the animation work, utilizing the opacity, delay and fadeIn and fadeTo jquery functions to introduce the words and hopefully more playful animation for the interactions of the word. Until that is done, I am not comfortable introducing other elements, such as texture, background, images and fonts. Sorry!


Project 3 / Stars

This is a simple Path animations using a repeating star pattern and moving it across the page. I would of liked to play with more opacity and then scaling to create a more "starry night" effect. So I like to consider this just the starting point.


Final Project / SquiggleÉaka pain & agony.

Sweet heaven! I consider myself a pretty patient person but holy cowÉI think the most I learned this semester was how much I don't know and what happens when you try to do something that you don't know how to do. But I guess you have to start somewhere. This is where I started.