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Project 1 / HTML / CSS Animation

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Project 2 / What is Your Name?

This is a jQuery typographic animation. It shows a question, and people can play with it by typing the answer on the line below the question. Once you type your name, it will show randomly moving words, and your answer on the screen in a short time. There are more question boxes below the main question so that people can have more time with the animation.

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Project 3 / My Daily Schedule

This is a personal daily schedule jQuery animation. Most people make a plan, but it is easy for them to be lazy. So, I intend to design a generative plan diagram in order to make it interesting. You can not only mouse over the colored pie, but also click to see beautiful moving particles.

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Final Project / Brand Logo Quiz

My thesis is about brand logos. I chose one shape, which is a radial shape, and will make a guideline for designers how to use the radial shape in brand logos by information design. In this project, I would like to make a logo quiz with radial-shaped logos in currently existing brands. Identify the brand from logos.