Project 1 / Deconstruct/Reconstruct

Exploring multiple jquery animations and z-index positioning.

Project 2 / Socially Circling Identity

In the past decade, social networks have transformed from where we go to waste some time online to one of the primary ways we connect with other people - online or off. There used to be the "real" world and the digital world, and the two rarely met. Today, out social networks have become a part of our identity, and part of what makes us unique among a crowd.

Project 3 / Wedding Invitation Header

This project uses generative components that build in a random pattern to reveal the details of a wedding celebration. The goal behind the concept was to use a Processing, an advanced, technical, mathematically-based coding language, to create something primarily aesthetic and commercial. The beads that appear and reveal the information about the wedding increase as the user clicks, and are meant to resemble digital confetti.

Final Project / Hubbub : social media hub

This project is part of my thesis, which explores the relationship between identity, personal branding, and social media. Through my research, I found that one factor inhibiting the perception of personal authenticity was that viewers noticed discrepancies between the persona they perceived on various social media platforms. To allow people to get a more comprehensive view of a person across all of their social media platforms, Hubbub brings all of these accounts to one location. By aggregating posts, interactions, and connections from five of the most popular social media networks, users have a more complete view of each of the people they are connected with, and interact with them (in real life and on social media) in a more authentic way.