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Project 1 / Hello UX

This project visually explains a UX design journey starting at “Hello” it introduces a product that makes you interact, smile and lets the user go back to the starting page to start another journey. This aspect shows user experience to be a whole as a product, company or a service company(or both) the designer needs to plan and provide a central vision and the journey. Hello UX provides a colorful, simple UX, fun interaction that hopefully makes the user react (smile) at some point through the journey.

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Project 2 / Organic Transitions

I used the idea for City of Water Day, a New York City’s waterfront celebration to experiment with fluency, type imagery, movement,repetition and transitions. This banner ad is a call to action to go to the website for more information. The organic shape of the fish move gently as type appear and change. The shapes stop and are timed to seem to interact which each other and maybe for half a second you feel that you are looking at a fish tank. The font choice of prismatic represents the steel framed sculpture buildings in contrast with the translucent organic mix of the shapes movements. I think it’s a beautiful reminder of the waterfront areas around our city.

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Project 3 / A Generative Brain

A stroke will affect 4 out of 5 families over the course of a lifetime.
Using a generative design solution, I am challenging the user to get more involved with this issue. Capturing a user’s attention for 40 sec seems long but the puzzle is difficult and I think it drives the message. Understanding the medium to drive the message, I must first understand my audience. Technology creates new human environments and brings a greater awareness to human issues. There is no blueprint on how to use or classify a “Open Process” interactive environment.

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Final Project / Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance - A Behavioral Responsive Redesign

My final project was focused on designing an interface that working for the client Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance of New York City. I researched and redesigned their site map into 6 pages. The site is responsive, with an interactive maps designed to inform and empower the user into getting more involved with the waterfront. The main image moves and gives a feeling of calm that water naturally instills (a responsive behavior). Studies show that tasks performed while under the calming influence of nature are performed better with a 20% greater focus, accuracy and yields a higher quality result. Computers have limit our exposer to nature. I designed the site to be used as a window into other MWA properties that would advertise and bring a calming positive behavioral responsive to the users.