Project 1 / The Optical Center of Winchester [Website Design]

I took on this website design as a challenge for myself to push the boundaries of my existing coding knowledge. I feel I achieved this in many ways, especially in becoming much more comfortable with other coding methods such as Javascript, jQuery, PHP, etc. This is the first time I have used PHP in my web design work and although not the most enjoyable for me, it felt good to learn enough to get it to work properly in the appointment request form.

I wanted to create a simple interface for the The Optical Center with only essential information. I feel this is important to the overall user experience being a positive one and fits in with the goal of an eye care center in making things clear. My goal was to make this simple interface an interesting one through smart and clean design, while using the the techniques I have learned so far in this course.

The website demonstrates this and I hope to keep pushing it further as I learn more throughout the course and beyond.

Check it out at:

Project 2 / Interactive Concept Logo for mlübey

My idea for this project came about because I'm in the process of designing my new personal site. I wanted to create something interactive for the homepage and thought an interactive logo would be a nice way to integrate that without going overboard.

My concept behind this is a representation of maneuvering pixels within the live area, speaking to my focus in digital work and showcasing the interactivity I am capable of integrating into my work.

I wanted to push my knowledge of javascript even further then I have so far this semester and I feel I’ve accomplished this through the process of putting this together. The interactivity is limited at this point, and as I learn more I am very interested in learning how to make this more random and generative through other tools.

Please check it out at:

Project 3 / Shot Collective: Abstract screenshot sharing experiment

This project was a challenge to myself to have a live web experiment where anyone with an internet connection could influence the content. I went about this in an experimental way, showcasing abstract compositions created through the user’s interaction with the live area of the screen. They could then sign their name and submit it into the database of others’ submissions. This project was particularly exciting to me as it’s the first time I successfully created a project that could be interacted with remotely in this way. My interest in this type of work has spiked as a result.

As with my other projects, I tried to push myself into learning technologies and techniques that I wasn’t already comfortable with in the hopes of taking away as much as I could as new skills. I feel I met my goal as I not only greatly improved my HTML, CSS, PHP, and jQuery skills, but also learned how to use the coding program Processing. I found Processing to be quite fascinating and will definitely continue to use it with my work in the future.

Check it out at:

“Works best in Chrome”

Final Project / ALLJAMS: Online Monthly Interactive mixtape

This project’s concept is to present a monthly online “mixtape” with interactive elements. The interactive element is present in order to help compliment the audio portion. I believe people will get more out of their listening experience if they engage with it in a deeper level, in this case a hands-on approach. The interactive background elements are meant to abstractly capture the mood and tone of the music presented in each edition. Currently the interactive background is applied to all of the tracks until I can figure out a way for this to change as the song does. I am for the most part satisfied with the current result but I will certainly continue to work on this as I plan to make this a real-life project of mine.

With my process during this project, I greatly improved my overall coding skills and learned how to create an audio player with HTML 5. I also utilized Javascript libraries including three.js to help create the interactive background.

Check it out at:

“Works best in Chrome”