Project 1 / Email capture for

This page acts as an email sign-up for to gain new contact information. forAnima makes money completely via e-commerce, so capturing new email contacts is crucial to its success. The arrow keys link back to forAnima so that shoppers can continue to make purchases.

Project 2 / Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance logo animation

My idea for the Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance&s new logo is based on a connect-the-dots theme. I saw CSS animation as the perfect opportunity to bring my concept to life — it allows me to show the process of my thinking without having to explain it in detailed words.
I had originally considered presenting my logo using a Flash or .mov video file, but using purely HTML and CSS is perfect because it allows for quick load time and easy file transfer. No 10-minute-long page loads here!

Project 3 / Sipsum | the lorem ipsum generator for when it's not quite 5 yet

Sipsum is the lorem ipsum generator for especially stressful days. The page name comes from the common abbreviation "lipsum" for lorem ipsum — and the common desire to "sip some" after a long day at work. Ninety percent of the words used in the generator refer to some sort of drink name or slang.

Final Project / Pizza Zone ordering system

The Pizza Zone ordering system is my first attempt at PHP beyond the plugins that come with Wordpress.

It allows the user to input their toppings and information so that an email is sent to the parlor. Because who uses a phone to order food anymore?