Project 1 / 6 animated UI components

This exercise is very important to me in terms of giving me the chance to start playing with css animation.

Project 2 / Thesis 2 presentation

This website serves for the purpose of my thesis 2 class final presentation. Four icons represent for: inspiration/introduction, research, solution, and my projects.

Project 3 / css animation exercise

This a css animation exercise project.

Final Project / Communication through the ages

This is a parallax scrolling website introducing evolution of communication through the ages. The idea is to show the evolution process by keeping changing the backgrounds from different ages and the costumes of the male characters. But at the same time, the male characters’ positions are fixed. I tried to make full use of the beauty of the parallax scrolling technique to show the gradual changes. If you compare the last piece with the first one, you will see the big difference as well.